导语 Highlights
本期观点部分关注可持续渔业。可持续的渔业是需要科学、有效且公平的治理框架。一篇文章指出,在东北大西洋渔业委员会(NEAFC)管理的渔业中,法罗群岛、冰岛和挪威在过去十年中的捕捞量超出了科学所建议的可持续捕捞量的40%,使渔业的可持续发展面临风险。中西太金枪鱼委员会(WCPFC)第20届会议于12月8日在库克群岛闭幕,今年WCPFC并没有新的捕捞策略通过,但调整了30kg上下金枪鱼捕捞的比例,以求多捞大鱼,少捞小鱼。透明度是公平的保障之一。 WCPFC最重要的合规会议仍然是闭门会议,非行业观察员无法参与。本期观点版块中有一位来自于关注渔业管理问责的专家因此表达对WCPFC透明度的担忧。供应链下游的行动一样可以推动渔业管理的改进,消费者团体和厨师们倡导的可持续运动,促进了ICCAT管理的箭鱼渔业的种群恢复,目前已恢复到健康水平。解读板块中有一篇文章介绍了科学家和行业专家正在利用痕量元素指纹技术(TEF)和化学指纹技术追溯海产品来源,以提高供应链的透明度。透明度越高,餐馆超市的的消费者行动改进就越容易传导到渔场的管理上。
Highlight 1
In this issue we focus on sustainable fisheries. The 20th session of the WCPFC closed in the Cook Islands on Dec. 8, and there were no new fishing strategies adopted by the WCPFC this year, but this year the percentage of tuna caught in the upper and lower 30kg range was adjusted in an effort to get more of the big fish and less of the small fish. Perspective 4 articulates the author's concerns about transparency in the WCPFC, whose most important compliance meetings remain closed-door, and whose key sections remain closed to non-industry observers. Not only international waters but also some domestic waters face management problems. Perspective 6 suggests that overfishing in Iceland and Norway over the past decade has pushed catches beyond 40 percent of sustainable harvests, putting the sustainability of fisheries at risk. However, in recent years, diner choice has promoted sustainable fisheries from the consumer side. As the Perspective 1 indicating, the sustainable campaigns championed by consumer groups and chefs have contributed to the recovery of stocks in ICCAT-managed swordfish fisheries, which are now back to healthy levels.
观点 Perspectives
月光下的奎诺尔特渔民|Larry Workman
1) Rick Moonen( Perry 餐厅主厨 )
Rick Moonen(the master development chef for Perry’s Restaurant)
The “Give Swordfish a Break” campaign, which began in 1998, involved chefs and restaurateurs like myself, Lidia Bastianich, Nora Pouillon, and Eric Ripert, because of our influence over how people eat. Together, more than 700 of us took swordfish off our menus to pressure government officials responsible for North Atlantic swordfish management to end overfishing and work to help the species recover. The campaign worked. In 2000, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which manages swordfish fishing in international waters, put a recovery plan for the species in place. And 13 years later, ICCAT scientists declared the population “rebuilt”— meaning it had recovered to a healthy level. Now ICCAT has another opportunity to improve the long-term health of the swordfish population. This November, ICCAT members can adopt a new management approach for the stock and lock in sustainable fishing.
泰国计划推翻其在过去八年中实施的一系列渔业改革。此举引发了非政府组织和国际代表的担忧,他们担心泰国渔业曾经无法无天和缺乏监督的局面可能会卷土重来。在 2023 年 10 月环境正义基金会、绿色和平组织、保护国际、乐施会和海洋组织在内的 84 家民间社会组织联合撰写公开信,敦促泰国政府反对任何渔业政策的倒退。尽管泰国鱼类种群已有逐渐恢复的迹象,但种群恢复过程较为复杂,非政府组织认为需要巩固过去七年的改革成果并且继续向前推进。任何偏离当前路线的行为都可能阻碍鱼类种群的进一步恢复,甚至可能导致其再次崩溃。
Environmental NGOs write joint letter to protest retrograde fishery policy in Thiland
Thailand has proposed a reversal of a series of fisheries reforms it implemented over the past eight years. The move has ignited concern among NGOs and international representatives who fear the lawlessness and lack of oversight that once defined the country’s fishing sector may return. In a letter issued in October 2023, a coalition of 84 civil society organizations, including the Environmental Justice Foundation, Greenpeace, Conservation International, Oxfam, and Oceana collectively urged Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin to oppose any rollback. We are only just starting to see tentative signs of recovery for fish populations in Thailand. Given the delicate nature of the recovery, we believe it is vital to sustain the progress achieved through the reforms of the past seven years. Any deviation from the current course could impede further recovery and potentially lead to even renewed collapses of fish populations.
3)Helen Packer ( WBA 海产品可持续发展指数负责人)
世界基准管理联盟(WBA)根据联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)对全球 30 家最大的海产品公司进行了评估。调查发现,几乎所有的公司都披露了对可持续的努力,但是这些努力并不是清晰、具体、可衡量的,很多可持续目标也没有时间限制;这些公司对供应链上的IUU渔业很难采取尽职调查。但总体来讲,整个行业的披露程度有所改善,透明度也正在提升。
WBA Seafood Sustainability Index Lead Helen Packer
The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) recently released its third and final Seafood Stewardship Index, benchmarking the world’s 30 largest seafood companies against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first big takeaway is that even though almost all companies disclose some activities and efforts toward environmentally sustainable and socially responsible seafood – through actions such as certifications, policies, engagement activities – most do not disclose SMART [specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound] targets. Moreover, many targets are not time-bound and are not translated into key performance indicators (KPIs) that allow for robust progress measurement and reporting. The second big takeaway is the lack of evidence showing companies taking a due diligence approach in regard to IUU fishing and human rights risks, especially in their supply chain, which starts with a risk assessment and is followed by mitigation. However,in general, there’s definitely been an improvement in reporting and, therefore, transparency.
4) Ryan Orgera(Accountability Fish全球总监)
公海野生鱼种的可持续性需要制定透明的规则,让所有利益相关者能接触到到决策过程的相关信息。但目前中西太平洋金枪鱼委员会(WCPFC)在这一点上做得还不够,很多会议信息仍然拒绝外界旁听。Accountability.Fish建议全球RFMOs采纳、实施和执行一套十二项《平等获悉原则》帮助确保 RFMO 的决策反映所有利益相关者的利益和意见,而不仅仅是工业化捕鱼者的利益和意见。
Ryan Orgera( Accountability Fish Global Director)
The fisheries governance watchdog is a global organization committed to increasing openness and accountability in the international fisheries decision-making space. Unfortunately, secrecy has been pervasive in this arena, leaving large swaths of seafood stakeholders out of the loop, according to Accountability.Fish. The organization hopes a set of Equal Access Principles will help level the RFMO playing field, it told SeafoodSource.“To help ensure that RFMO decision-making reflects the interests – and input – of all stakeholders, not just industrial fishers, we propose a set of Equal Access Principles be adopted, implemented, and enforced in all global RFMOs,”
5) Cleve Jackson(奎诺尔特渔业政策代表)
Cleve Jackson(policy representative for Quinault Fisheries)
Quinault Nation shuttered its fall coho fishery a month early this year after harvest numbers came in at just a fraction of what was expected. Now, fishery leaders have called on the state to do the same. But the state Department of Fish and Wildlife pushed back on these requests from the Quinault. “We’re facing climate and continued population growth and habitat degradation,” said Jackson, the Quinault fisheries policy representative. “We have to do this. We have been taking this more precautionary approach because of those things.”
6) Aodh O'Donnell (爱尔兰鱼类生产者组织首席执行官)
Aodh O’Donnell(CEO of the Irish Fish Producers Organization )
Irish Fish Producers Organization CEO Aodh O’Donnell has accused Iceland of deliberately pursuing a policy of overfishing over the past decade while it fixes a unilateral mackerel quota almost three times greater than that of Ireland. According to the IFPO, blue whiting catch opportunities available to Norway in Irish waters amounted to 224,000 metric tons last year, “five times higher than the Irish quota in Irish waters.” O’Donnell said the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Norway are overfishing mackerel and whiting stocks by up to 40 percent in excess of the level suggested by scientific advice as sustainable, thus endangering the sustainability of the fisheries. The negotiation of the quotas takes place at ther North East Atlantic Fishery Commission.
解读 Interpretations
夜间,灯笼鱼从深海来到海面觅食 | Solvin Zankl
1) Moira Donovan:我们看不见的鱼
科学家们发现人类难以接触的中层深海带(mesopelagic zone)中的迁徙鱼类对气候稳定起到了关键作用。这些鱼类在进行规模庞大的垂直迁徙时参与了生物碳泵的效应,将海洋表面的碳转移到深海。研究人员强调,为了平衡碳封存、保障食品安全和缓解气候变化,我们亟需对这一生态系统进行保护和可持续管理。
Moira Donovan:All the Fish We Cannot See
This article explores the critical role of migratory fish in the largely unexplored mesopelagic zone in maintaining climate stability. Scientists have found that these fish, engaged in large-scale vertical migrations, play a key role in the biological carbon pump, transferring carbon from the ocean surface to the deep sea.Researchers emphasize the urgency of protecting and sustainably managing this ecosystem to balance the needs of carbon sequestration, food security, and climate change mitigation.
2) Ned Daly: Nichirei Fresh 总裁田邉弥探讨可持续发展和人权尽职调查问题
2020年日本新渔业法案的推行,给日本水产业带来了迅速变革,日本的生产商和捕捞商正在采取越来越多的措施,使行业朝向负责任和可持续方向发展。作者采访了日本食品及水产行业的巨头Nichirei 集团子公司 Nichirei Fresh 的总裁田邉弥,他在采访中介绍了2个具体的日本国内的可持续渔业合作案例,和在中国及印尼的两个国际案例。并提出了从 2023 年 4 月 1 日开始,公司将努力实现到 2030 年,符合可持续海产品准则的产品采购比例达到 100%,获得MSC 和 ASC 认证的产品采购比例达到 50%的集团目标。
Ned Daly:Nichirei Fresh President Wataru Tanabe tackles sustainability and human rights due diligence
Japan’s seafood industry is rapidly changing. For example, a 2020 fisheries law significantly changed guidance around effective practices in fisheries management. The author interviewed the president of Nichirei Fresh, a subsidiary of the Nichirei Group, a giant in Japan's food and fisheries industry, Yaya Tanabe, in which he introduced two specific cases of sustainable fisheries cooperation in Japan, and two international cases in China and Indonesia. Also, starting on 1 April 2023, we’ve been working toward a 100 percent procurement ratio of products that meet the sustainable marine products guideline and a 50 percent procurement ratio of MSC and ASC certified products by 2030.
University of Plymouth:Aquaculture system hopes to turn marine pest into nutritious seafood
Researchers have successfully developed the world's first system for farming shipworms, rebranded as "Naked Clams," aiming to transform these marine pests into a nutritious food source. The study, published in the journal Sustainable Agriculture, reveals that Naked Clams have higher levels of Vitamin B12 compared to most other bivalves, making them a potentially valuable dietary source. Additionally, with an algae-based feed, the clams can be fortified with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for human health. The fully-enclosed aquaculture system, designed for urban settings, addresses water quality and food safety concerns associated with traditional mussel and oyster farming. The researchers envision Naked Clams as a sustainable and low-impact food source, proposing them as a 'white meat' substitute in processed foods for British consumers. The ongoing research collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge and Plymouth aims to optimize the growth, taste, and nutritional profile of Naked Clams for potential commercialization.
4)Isabelle Gerretsen:可打击全球海鲜欺诈行为的化学指纹
Isabelle Gerretsen:The chemical fingerprints that could combat global seafood fraud
The seafood industry faces challenges in tracing the journey of seafood due to complex supply chains and widespread fraud, with one in five fish globally sold being caught illegally, valued at up to $23.5 billion annually. To enhance transparency and accountability, there is growing pressure for full-chain traceability. Technologies like Trace Elemental Fingerprinting (TEF) and Chemical Fingerprinting, utilizing natural markers in seafood, are being explored to verify claims of sustainability and combat fraud. These technologies, while in their early stages, hold promise for improving supply chain transparency and ensuring sustainable practices in the seafood industry.
5)Kebba Jeffang:西非过度捕捞影响生计,加剧移民潮
Kebba Jeffang: Overfishing off West Africa hits livelihoods, fuelling emigration
West African countries are facing challenges in maintaining the sustainability of fisheries, including issues such as illegal fishing by foreign trawlers, unfavorable fisheries agreements, weak laws, and inadequate law enforcement. These factors are depleting fish stocks, leading to economic hardships, and driving increased irregular migration to Europe. The author emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts by West African nations to ensure fair fisheries agreements, invest in monitoring and surveillance to deter illegal fishing, and implement policies that protect the marine ecosystem.
6)Todd Woody:太平洋地区深海采矿问题的争议
绿色和平与致力于太平洋深海采矿研究的The Metals Company(TMC)就深海采矿问题存在争议。这场争议凸显了这一新兴产业在价值数万亿美元的矿产和对深海生态系统不可逆伤害的环保担忧间的冲突。绿色和平深海采矿倡导专员Louisa Casson接受采访时说:"尽管反对深海采矿的呼声日益高涨,但金属公司仍在继续推进这项工作,这确实证明我们有理由对此进行揭露,并表明全世界的高涨的抵制情绪。而TMC公司首席执行官Gerard Barron指责绿色和平是虚伪的,认为他们在干扰该公司研究考察的同时,还坚持要求对深海采矿的影响进行更多的科学研究。国际海底管理局秘书处发表声明称 "他们正在关注事态的发展,并与所有相关方保持联系,以促进问题的迅速解决"。
Todd Woody:A showdown over deep sea mining is taking place in the Pacific
Activists from Greenpeace International and The Metals Company (TMC), engaged in deep-sea mining research in the Pacific Ocean, are in dispute over the issue of deep-sea mining. This controversy highlights the conflict between this emerging industry, targeting minerals potentially worth trillions of dollars, and environmental concerns about irreparable harm to deep-sea ecosystems. "The fact that The Metals Company is pressing ahead despite mounting opposition to deep sea mining, we believe really justifies us shining a light on this and showing the resistance that is growing across the world," Greenpeace deep sea mining campaigner Louisa Casson said in a phone interview from the Arctic Sunrise. TMC Chief Executive Officer Gerard Barron accused Greenpeace of hypocrisy for insisting on more scientific studies looking at deep sea mining's impacts while interfering with the company's research expedition. In a statement to Bloomberg Green, the ISA Secretariat said it "is monitoring the situation, and is in touch with all involved parties to facilitate a prompt resolution."
学术 Academics
[Blue Economy] Preferential selection of marine protected areas by the recreational scuba diving industry
研究揭示了海洋保护区(MPAs)的各种价值,包括保护生物多样性、促进气候变化适应力和提高渔业溢出效应等各种意义。但人们对海洋保护区能否,以及如何惠及和影响海洋生态旅游的关注较少。在这里,我们利用船舶自动识别系统(AIS),对海洋保护区如何影响水肺潜水这一重要的海洋生态旅游形式,进行了长期、高分辨率的描绘。研究探讨了加利福尼亚州北海峡群岛的海洋保护区如何影响潜水船的空间使用模式,研究针对两种潜水旅游方式: 1) 非采掘性生态旅游潜水(如观赏野生动物、摄影);2) 以水肺潜水为基础的休闲性龙虾捕捞。通过对AIS数据和资源选择模型的分析,以及对船员的调查,研究发现潜水船只在从事生态旅游活动时会优先选择海洋保护区,而在从事龙虾捕捞活动时则会优先选择海洋保护区缓冲区(即 "钓线")。这些结论有力地证明了 MPA 对加州潜水业的益处,体现了生态旅游业参与 MPA 管理决策的价值。
Extensive research has illuminated the diverse values of marine protected areas (MPAs), including protecting biodiversity, promoting climate change resilience, and enhancing spillover to fisheries. Comparatively less attention has been given to if and how MPAs can benefit and influence marine ecotourism. Here we use Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel data to create a long-term, high-resolution portrait of how MPAs shape the behavior of one prominent form of marine ecotourism: scuba diving. Specifically, we explore how the spatial use patterns of scuba diving vessels are affected by MPAs in California’s Northern Channel Islands when these vessels are engaged in two use scenarios: 1) non-extractive ecotourism diving (e.g., wildlife viewing, photography) and 2) recreational scuba-based lobster fishing. Using analyses of AIS data and resource selection models, coupled with insights from vessel operator surveys, we find that scuba diving vessels preferentially selected for MPAs when engaged in ecotourism activities, and for MPA buffer zones when engaged in lobster fishing (i.e., “fishing the line”). These conclusions provide strong evidence of the benefit of MPAs for the scuba diving industry in Southern California and highlight the value of engaging the ecotourism industry in MPA management decisions. This observation is especially timely as state, national, and international bodies advance on commitments to protect 30% of coastal waters in the coming years.
[Ocean Ecosystem] Shipwrecks act as de facto Marine Protected Areas in areas of heavy fishing pressure
自 19 世纪以来,底拖网渔具大规模、工业化的使用改变了海洋生物群落和生态系统服务功能。如果没有法律保护,只有拖网渔船无法进入的区域才能免受侵害。沉船的残骸可能会损坏底拖渔船的拖网和渔具,所以底拖网渔业往往会避开沉船区。这些沉船大多已在原地存在超过 100 年,这意味着沉船区生态在很长时间内都没有受到底拖渔业的压力,因此它们可提供生态潜力的基线数据。该研究在伯里克郡海岸附近调查了五艘沉船遗址,其中一些位于禁渔区内,另一些则位于禁渔区外。研究收集了沉船周围 50 米半径范围以及距离沉船150米以上的对照位置的横断面视频素材,对已识别的物种根据其对拖网捕捞的脆弱性依次进行分类。研究发现,距离沉船的远近对捕捞区和禁渔区内生态群落存在影响。沉船的生态重要性随着拖网捕捞压力的增加而增加。在捕捞区,沉船地点的丰度比对照地点高出340%。相反,在禁渔区,对照地点的丰度比沉船地点高出149%。在捕捞区内的沉船群落与禁渔区的群落更为相似,而不是与禁渔区内沉船周围的生境更为相似。捕捞区几乎完全没有易危物种,大部分是大型无梗滤食性动物,但在禁渔区的沉船上,易危物种占总丰度的约28%。这项研究提供了一种可量化的方法来评估沉船在受干扰区域的生态贡献,并表明沉船的作用或许值得进一步研究并纳入未来的海洋保护政策,例如 30 × 30 目标。
Ubiquitous, industrial use of bottom-towed fishing gear since the 1800s has altered marine communities and ecosystem services. Outside of legal protection, only areas inaccessible to trawlers are offered any protection. Shipwrecks present hazards to fishing gear and are rarely subject to trawling pressure. As many have been in situ for >100 years, they offer a baseline of ecological potential when trawling pressure is reduced or removed. Five shipwrecks were surveyed off the Berwickshire coast, some within the Static Gear Reserve and others outside. Video transects were collected of shipwrecks, the surrounding 50 m radius and control locations >150 m from the wreck site. Species identified were assigned a category based on their vulnerability to trawling. The effect of distance from a shipwreck on ecological communities within sites Open and Closed to trawling was investigated. The ecological importance of shipwrecks increased relative to trawling pressure. In Open sites, abundance was 340% greater on Wreck locations than Control. Conversely, within Closed sites, abundance was 149% greater in Control locations than Wreck. In Open sites, shipwreck communities are more similar to those in Closed sites, than to the habitat surrounding the shipwreck. Vulnerable species, mostly large, sessile filter feeders, are almost entirely absent from Open sites, but account for ~28% of the total abundance on shipwrecks in Closed sites. This study offers a quantifiable method to evaluate the ecological contribution of shipwrecks in disturbed areas and suggests their role may warrant further research, and consideration in conservation policy, such as inclusion in 30 × 30 objectives. Our findings also demonstrate the possible ecological gains of expanding or including static gear reserves across Marine Protected Areas.
3)【海洋治理】《规制海洋: 英国海洋保护区的社会法律分析(语境中的法律)》
[Ocean Governance] Regulating the Sea: A Socio-Legal Analysis of English Marine Protected Areas (Law in Context), written by Margherita Pieraccini
海洋生物多样性的丧失是地球面临的最大、最紧迫的环境问题之一。尽管近年来全球政策和国家政策呼吁海洋保护以及完善相关法律文书,但对英格兰海洋保护法规的研究一直不足。本书试图填补这一学术空白,为英格兰海洋保护区法规提供社会法律评述。本书命名为 "规制海洋",因为本书分析不仅限于法律条文,还涉及管理环境的非法律技术。
Marine biodiversity loss is one of the biggest and most urgent environmental problems the planet is facing. Despite global and national policy calls for marine conservation and the development of legal instruments in recent years, marine conservation regulation in England has been understudied. The main reason for writing this book was to fill this academic gap, providing a socio-legal commentary on marine protected areas regulation in England. I called it ‘Regulating the Sea’ as the analysis does not stop at the legal text but also concerns non-legal techniques to manage the environment.
[Ocean & Society] Climate Change and Institutional Resilience in Arctic Environmental Governance
This article highlights recent successes and failures in efforts to manage Arctic marine living resources to improve our understanding of institutional resilience-that is, the ability of cooperative institutions to maintain their performance despite severe disruptions to their operating environments. Rising ocean temperatures and other impacts of climate change may alter the spatial distribution of fish stocks, including their relative attachment to exclusive economic zones and their availability on the high seas. As evident in the examined Arctic cases, which involve the world's largest stocks of cod, herring and mackerel, such changes may complicate core resource management tasks, including the regulatory task of reaching an agreement among user states on quotas and other restraints that align with scientific advice. The cross-case variance in regulatory resilience to climate-related and other changes in cooperative circumstances shedslight on general propositions regarding the drivers and inhibitors of institutional resilience, including institutional characteristics and the severity of the political challenges posed by changing circumstances.
[Ocean Governance] Old Sea, New Ice: sea ice geoengineering and indigenous rights in Arctic Ocean governance
This comprehensive paper explores the complex interplay between Arctic sea ice governance, geoengineering, and the rights of Indigenous peoples. It raises critical questions about the feasibility of regulating potential sea ice geoengineering initiatives while upholding Indigenous rights. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, the paper investigates diverse perspectives on Arctic sea ice encompassing its roles in climate science, international law, and for Arctic Indigenous peoples, contributing to ongoing discussions on implementing Indigenous rights within Arctic governance and emerging climate technologies. As climate interventions are becoming a likely reality, the paper emphasises the imperative of integrating marine geoengineering responses to climate change into global ocean law and governance, with a specific focus on climate justice and the active involvement of Indigenous and local communities in the decision-making. Using analogies of resource exploitation, this paper also explores whether the conceptualisation of geo-engineered sea ice as a resource and looking at existing international legal frameworks governing resource extraction could enhance the effective implementation of Indigenous rights. The paper contends that there is an urgent need to develop an oceanic ethics component that considers Indigenous rights in the context of geoengineering, and advocates for nature-centric visions, Indigenous-led climate actions, and community-level marine resource management within international legal frameworks to strike a balance between the rights-based approach and emerging climate intervention technologies.
[Ocean Governance] And so it begins – The adoption of the ‘Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction’ treaty
经过五年的政府间谈判,"国家管辖范围以外生物多样性条约"(BBNJ)条约于 2023 年 6 月 19 日正式通过。6月的会议是一次庆功性质的会议,总计以六种语言编写的条约草案的最终版本将尽早地通过、签署、批准和生效。这篇短文探讨了最后一次会议上的发言,并评论了各方围绕未来发展道路的措辞。各代表团在最后一次会议发言中提出的关键主题是条约与其他文书的关系、为文书提供资金的可靠途径以及缔约方大会的作用--缔约方大会第一次会议的任务清单非常详尽。本文还对俄罗斯联邦拒签《条约》及其对成功执行《条约》的潜在影响进行了分析评论。
After five years of negotiations, the ‘Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction’ (BBNJ) treaty was adopted on June 19th 2023. This adoption meeting was of a celebratory kind and included the final version of the draft treaty in all six languages – ready to be adopted, signed, ratified and enter into force – sooner rather than later. This short communication examines the narratives during this final meeting and assesses the language around the path forward. Key themes brought up in delegations' final statements were relationships with other instruments, credible paths towards financing the instrument and the role of the Conference of Parties - whose list of tasks for the first meeting is substantial. We also comment on the disassociation of the Russian Federation to the Treaty and its potential effect on its credible successful implementation.
资源 Resources
1)2023 年海产品管理指数
2023 Seafood Stewardship Index
The 2023 Seafood Stewardship Index evaluates the sustainability performance of the world's top 30 most influential companies in the seafood industry, representing approximately a quarter of the global seafood industry revenue. The index assesses major fishing and aquaculture companies, seafood brands, seafood processors, and aquaculture feed companies for their social and environmental impacts. The 2023 data indicates that, while some leaders are making progress, most assessed companies have yet to demonstrate meaningful efforts to address their social and environmental responsibilities and impacts in achieving sustainable seafood production.
Equal Access Principles for Stakeholder participation in the RFMO meetings
《Equal Access Principles》提出了12条原则,以提升区域渔业管理组织(RFMOs)的决策包容性和透明度。这些原则主张举行公开的全体会议,允许媒体报道,并允许经批准的观察员参加所有的附属会议。这些原则还建议强制使用所有区域渔业管理组织的官方语言,为与会的利益相关者进行详尽的解释,并确保利益相关者之间的平等待遇。这些原则强调认可的包容性、提交材料的明确准则以及取消对观察员权利的不当限制。承认利益相关方在影响环境的决策中的贡献至关重要。此外,这些原则还要求与利益相关方建立伙伴关系、商定合理的会议地点和与会费用,并保留利益相关方的观察员地位,即使因故错过某次会议,也应该继续保持资格。在全球范围内采纳和执行这些原则将提高RFMO 决策的公平性和可持续性。
The Equal Access Principles aim to ensure inclusive and transparent decision-making in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs). These principles advocate for open plenary and general meetings, allowing media coverage, and permitting approved observers at all subsidiary meetings. They also propose mandating the use of all RFMO official languages, interpreting rules for stakeholder participation inclusively, and ensuring parity of treatment among stakeholders. The principles emphasize inclusive accreditation, clear guidelines for submitting materials, and removal of undue restrictions on observers' rights. Recognition of stakeholder contributions in decisions impacting the environment is crucial. Additionally, the principles call for partnerships with stakeholders, reasonable meeting locations and participation fees, and the sustained observer status for stakeholders, even if a meeting is skipped. Adopting and enforcing these principles globally will enhance the fairness and sustainability of RFMO decisions, considering the interests of diverse stakeholders.
3)网络研讨会回放: 打击现代渔业中的非法、未报告和无管制的捕捞活动
How Seafood Buyers and Suppliers Can Combat IUU Fishing: Lessons and New Opportunities
The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership is organizing a webinar to address labor issues, on-the-water human rights, and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in seafood supply chains. Large-scale illegal fishing poses threats to fish stocks, jeopardizes the safety of fishers, and creates unfair competition for those operating legally. The ultimate goal is to eliminate IUU from entire fisheries, promoting a more sustainable and responsible seafood industry.
4) 报告|深海困境:海上碳捕集与封存的风险(2023年11月)
Deep Trouble: The Risks of Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage (November 2023)
Facing growing scrutiny over their contributions to climate change, polluting industries are increasingly looking for ways to cover up their continued emissions rather than phase out the fossil fuels driving them. It is a costly and risky endeavor and nearly all the world’s past CCS projects have experienced unexpected problems or failed outright. The report concludes that governments must halt the expansion of offshore CCS by ending subsidies and support for these projects, while interpreting existing laws and strengthening emerging regulations to protect the oceans from absorbing even more of humanity’s waste and safeguard communities, the environment, and the global climate.
5) COP28 迪拜海洋宣言(11.30-12.12)
COP28 Dubai Ocean Declaration
《COP28 迪拜海洋宣言》强调采取紧急行动,发挥海洋在气候稳定中的作用。宣言敦促各相关方大幅削减温室气体,努力实现海洋净负排放,并加强全球海洋观测。宣言主张测量碳通量,监测海洋碳清除量,扩大气候和生物变量观测能力,提高岛屿国家和发展中国家的能力,加快科研和技术开发计划。宣言强调合作、包容和多样化的知识整合,以有效应对气候风险。
The COP28 Dubai Ocean Declaration emphasizes urgent action for the ocean's role in climate stability. It urges significant greenhouse gas cuts, inclusion of the ocean in net-negative emissions efforts, and enhanced global ocean observations. The declaration advocates for measuring carbon fluxes, monitoring ocean-based carbon removal, and expanding capabilities for climate and biological variable observation, develop capacity among island nations and developing countries, and accelerate scientific research and technology development program. It underscores cooperation, inclusivity, and diverse knowledge integration to address climate risks effectively.
6) 评估海洋与气候行动的进展: 海洋与气候行动路线图(ROCA)倡议报告
Roadmap to Oceans and Climate Action (ROCA) Initiative
these reports comprehensively evaluate ocean and climate science, policy, and action. Emphasizing interconnected issues, they advocate for recognizing oceans' central role in climate, implementing ocean-based mitigation strategies like Blue Carbon and renewable energy, and adopting various adaptation measures, particularly ecosystem-based approaches. The reports also stress the importance of fostering a low carbon Blue Economy, addressing human displacement, and ensuring sufficient financial flows.
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