
舒凝 痛风知识 2024-12-21 1 0
加拿大皇家太平洋学院(Oshio College of Acupuncture and Herbology),是一家成立于1999年的中医学院,学院位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市,是维多利亚州历史最悠久的中医学院。学院提供中医针灸医师治疗服务,服务项目包括针灸,中药,推拿,按摩,刮痧,拔罐。学院已服务于社区20年,诊治病人数千人,诊治次数数万人次,服务人群包括各国留学生,探亲访问者和本地居民,为他们提供了减少病痛,增强健康和延年益寿的好机会,是远近闻名的值得信赖中医针灸诊所。学校提供正宗的中医教育,老师拥有着丰富的经验,能提供高质量的教学。课程基本都是小班级的教学,这就保证了学生的学习质量,可以提供一对一教学和互动的学习机会,学生在学习的过程中就可以直接与患者合作,积累实际经验。 即使是一个能够妙手回春的神医,或是在中国拿到了中医博士学位的人,在加拿大也不能直接获得医生的资格证书。没有医生资格证书在加拿大是不能够以“医生”作为职业的,甚至不可以以任何方式“行医治病”。所以,想要在加拿大从事中医行业,考取加拿大的中医师执照就是迫切且必须的。 5月20日来自加拿大皇家太平洋学院的毕业生Yul Hill, Xiaoyan Chen在BC省中医师执照考前分享会中回答了中医师执照考试的常见问题: Q: 什么学习资料对备考有帮助? Q:What study materials are helpful for exam preparation? A:市面上能买到或免费的学习资料有很多,题量也非常大。Yul 觉得TCM Review比较不错,价格合理(按使用时间交费),题量很大,有专门适合加拿大考生的,尤其对备考中医师,其中有大量关于中草药的题目,很有帮助。Ms. Chen觉得YouTube上有一些收费的中文备考课程也不错。但他们都认为教材是最好的复习资料。 A:There are many available study materials, both for purchase and for free, with a large number of practice questions. Yul finds TCM Review quite good, as it is reasonably priced (charged by usage time) and has a large number of questions specifically suited for Canadian examinees, especially for TCM practitioners. It includes a large number of questions on Chinese herbs, which is very helpful. Ms. Chen believes that some paid Chinese preparatory courses on YouTube are also good. However, they both think that textbooks are the best review materials. Q:准备材料这么多,主要看哪些呢? Q: With so many preparation materials, which ones should be prioritized? A:CTCMA官网上给出的范围和书单都是最重要的。 A: The scope and book list provided on the CTCMA website are the most important. Q:有考试重点吗? Q: Do you have any key points? A:这是安全考试。CTCMA旨在保护公众。重点关注注意事项和禁忌。基础知识占约30%的考试内容。了解生物医学知识。我看到更多的是穴位的适应症而不是穴位位置。 A:This is a safety exam. The CTCMA is there to protect the public. Focus on cautions and contraindications. Foundation makes up about 30% of the exam. Know your BioMed. I saw a lot of point indications rather than point locations. Q:有模考题吗? Q: Are there mock exam questions available? A:CTCMA官网上只给了一套模考题,做完发现,和实际考试相差甚远。 A: The CTCMA website only provides one set of mock exam questions, and after completing them, it was found that they differ significantly from the actual exam. Q:考试可以分开进行吗?例如在四月参加安全考试,在十月参加其他两个考试? Q: Can the exams be taken separately, such as the safety exam in April and the other two in October? A:原则上是可以的,但Yul并不推荐这样做。他认为不同考试之间有很多重叠之处,所以一起准备并且接近时间进行考试可以节省精力和时间。在主要考试前两周到两个月内参加安全考试,会对参加TCMP或针灸考试有帮助。主要考试中也会有一些安全问题。 A: In principle, it is possible, but Yul does not recommend it. He believes there is a lot of overlap between different exams, so preparing for and taking them close together saves effort and time. Taking the safety exam two weeks to 2 months before the main exams would be helpful when writing the TCMP or the acupuncture exam. There are a few safety questions on the main exam. Q:考试很难吗? Q: Is the exam very difficult? A: TCMP选择题考试共有170道题,案例分析考试有50-60道题,需准备的资料非常广泛。 A: There are a total of 170 questions on the multiple choice TCMP exam and 50-60 questions on the case study TCMP exam, and a lot of material needs to be prepared, which is very extensive. Q:有哪些好的考试准备方法和建议吗? Q: Are there any good methods and suggestions for exam preparation? A:Chen女士建议阅读书籍并做大量的练习题。没有重点,教科书中的所有内容都很重要。经常出现的穴位不一定会考,相反,较少关注的穴位可能会考。Yul建议多做练习题和闪卡,并仔细研究错题,这是学习和提高的好方法。 A: Ms. Chen suggests reading books and doing many practice questions. There are no key points; everything in the textbooks is important. Frequently known acupuncture points are often not tested; instead, the less commonly noticed ones are. Yul suggests doing a lot of practice questions and flashcars and carefully studying the mistakes afterward, as it is a good way to learn and improve. Q:考试中有很多西医的知识,作为没有学过西医的同学,应该如何准备呢? Q: There is a lot of Western medical knowledge in the exam. How should students who have not studied Western medicine prepare for it? A:Yul介绍说TCM Review里有涵盖西医的知识,可以做做。Pacific Rim也有一本考前准备材料,但是很多、很庞杂。 A: Yul introduced that TCM Review covers Western medical knowledge, which can be helpful. Pacific Rim also has preparatory materials, but they are very extensive. Q:目前CTCMA变动很大,也在改革,未来关于中药的规定和考试会不会也有巨大的变化? Q: Currently, CTCMA is undergoing significant changes and reforms. Will there be major changes in the future regarding regulations and exams for Chinese medicine? A:的确是,但是目前没人知道,所以,未来要参加考试的同学就该时刻关注CTCMA的动态,考前下载他们的考试大纲。 A: Indeed, but no one knows for sure at the moment. Therefore, students planning to take the exam in the future should always stay updated on CTCMA's latest developments and download their exam outlines before the exam. Q:这个考试每年只有两次(四月和十月),那目前做的复习题会不会过于陈旧? Q: The exam is held only twice a year (April and October). Will the current review questions be outdated? A:的确有这样的情况,但目前做的复习题已经是能找到的最接近的了。所以,要把教材吃透。另外,把CTCMA给的范围、要求搞清楚。 A: This situation does exist, but the current review questions are the closest available ones. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly understand the textbooks and clarify the scope and requirements provided by CTCMA. Q: 可以跳过针灸师考试直接考中医师吗? Q: Can you skip the acupuncturist exam and directly take the TCM practitioner exam? A:Yul说可以,他就是直接考的中医师。但是,不好过,因为如果只考针灸师,准备起来比较方便,但是如果考中医师,既要考针灸又要考中药。从考试费用上讲,直接考中医师比较划算,因为一个执照考下来,全部费用大概在$2000左右。 A: Yul said it is possible; he took the TCM practitioner exam directly. However, it is not easy because preparing for just the acupuncturist exam is more convenient, but for the TCM practitioner exam, both acupuncture and Chinese medicine need to be tested. In terms of exam fees, taking the TCM practitioner exam directly is more cost-effective, as the total cost for one license is about $2000. Q: 你认为考试中最具挑战性的部分是什么? Q: What do you think is the most challenging part of the exam? A: Yul说是措辞,因为他参加的是英文考试。他发现问题非常复杂,必须交叉引用不同的主题(基础知识、诊断、生物医学、穴位适应症等)才能回答问题,尤其是案例分析类型的问题。 A: Yul said it is the wording, as he took the English exam. He found the questions very convoluted and had to cross-reference different topics (Foundations, Diagnosis, biomed, point indication, etc.) to answer a question, especially case study-type questions. Q: 在不同省份参加执照考试有区别吗?将来使用执照会有困难吗? Q: Are there any differences between taking the licensing exam in different provinces? Will there be any difficulties in using the license in the future? A:Yul说他在安大略省参加考试,因为他的先前学历很难转到CTCMA,所以他参加了安大略省的考试。考试本身没有区别,但获得执照后需要转到BC省。 A: Yul said he took the exam in Ontario because his previous academic qualifications were challenging to transfer to the CTCMA, so he took the Ontario exam. The exam itself has no difference, but after obtaining the license, it needs to be transferred to BC. Q: 为什么拿到安省的执照要转到BC省呢?加拿大的中医师执照不是五省通用吗? Q: Why transfer the Ontario license to BC? Isn't the TCM license valid in five provinces in Canada? A:Ms. Chen介绍五省的确通用,但是是临时的,只限三个月。另外,病人走医保的时候,还是很麻烦的。 A: Ms. Chen introduced that the license is indeed valid in five provinces, but only temporarily for three months. Additionally, it is very cumbersome when patients go through insurance. Q:将TCM执照从安大略省转到BC省麻烦吗?需要重新参加考试吗? Q: Is it troublesome to transfer the TCM license from Ontario to BC? Is there a need to retake the exam? A:Yul说不需要重新参加TCMP或针灸考试,但需要重新参加BC省的法律考试,并且需要填写和准备一些文件和表格。 A: Yul said there is no need to retake the TCMP or acupuncture exam, but you need to retake the jurisprudence exam for BC, and some documents and forms need to be filled out and prepared. Q: 获得执照后,每年需要做些什么以保持其有效性? Q: After obtaining the license, what needs to be done annually to maintain its validity? A:每年支付约800加元的执照注册费,在诊所工作,支付保险费,并完成继续教育学分(CEU或CEC),这些培训需要得到CTCMA的认可。 A: Pay the annual license registration fee, which is about 800 CAD, work in a clinic, pay for insurance, and continuing education units (CEU) or continuing education credits (CEC) are measures used in continuing education programs to assist the professional in maintaining their license. This training has to be recognized by the CTCMA. Q: 作为国际生,参加考试并通过就能拿到执照吗? Q: As an international student, can you obtain the license by passing the exam? A:国际生,如果参加考试,并通过,且同时有工签或PR身份,就可以拿到执照。 A: International students can obtain the license if they pass the exam and have a work permit or PR status simultaneously. Q:考前学历认证很麻烦吗? Q: Is the pre-exam credential verification process cumbersome? A:不麻烦,但是需要几个月的时间,建议做好时间规划。 A: It is not cumbersome, but it takes several months. It is recommended to plan the time accordingly. Q:有实践考试吗? Q: Is there a practical exam? A:针灸师和中医师考试没有实践考试,只有一些案例分析。然而,如果你参加中医博士的考试,是有实践部分的。阿尔伯塔省可能会有实践考试。 A: There is no practical exam for the acupuncturist and TCM practitioner exams, only some case studies. However, if you take the Dr. license exam, there is a practical component. There could be a practical exam for the province of Alberta. Q: 如果考安省、阿省的考试,一定要去他们那里考吗? Q: If taking the exams in Ontario or Alberta, do you have to go there to take the exam? A:不用,在温哥华岛上就可以考。今年四月的考试,考场里全是我们学校的学生。 A: No, you can take it on Vancouver Island. For the April exam this year, the exam room was full of students from our school. Q:考试是书面形式还是计算机形式? Q: Is the exam written or computer-based? A:计算机形式。 A: Computer-based Q:关于考试顺序有什么需要注意的吗? Q: Is there anything to note about the exam sequence? A:Yul建议先参加安全和法律考试,然后再参加其他考试。 A: Yul suggests taking the safety and jurisprudence exams first, then the others. Q: 如果还没有毕业,可以参加执照考试吗? Q: Can you take the licensing exam before graduation? A:不可以。因为在申请执照考试的时候需要修完的成绩单和毕业证。 A: No, because when applying for the licensing exam, you need to provide your completed tran and diploma. 以上信息由加拿大皇家太平洋学院整理、提供。希望对准备考试的同学有所帮助。 子文留学移民 最具权威的留学、签证、移民、英语培训咨询机构 精彩回顾 你没看错,想学中医国外也可以! 加拿大移民 | 这个项目适合谁? 2025年QS排名发布,加拿大4所高校进入前100! 不能错过!英国留学签证干货分享 声明: 1、本公众号所发布的内容,没有注明“原创”字样的,均来源于网络,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请联系删除! 2、对上述内容仅为转载,文中内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性仅供参考。 责任编辑:





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